Itravel In Morocco
Sidi ifni

Sidi ifni

Sidi Ifni: Discover the Coastal Charms of Morocco's Hidden Gem

Sidi Ifni: The picturesque town, located at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean 160km south of Agadir, was a Spanish colony. Even today the day before the city keeps some Spanish remains more or less preserved and some streets still bear Spanish names. The film An Angel at Sea by Frédéric Dumont was shot in Sidi Ifni. Souk Day: Sunday Mirleft: The small village 130 km Agadir

Sidi Ifni: The picturesque town, located at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean 160km south of Agadir, was a Spanish colony. Even today the day before the city keeps some Spanish remains more or less preserved and some streets still bear Spanish names. The film An Angel at Sea by Frédéric Dumont was shot in Sidi Ifni. Souk Day: Sunday

Mirleft: The small village 130 km Agadir, located between the chain of the Anti-Atlas and the Atlantic Ocean is hung on the side of steep hills overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. An old fort built in the early twentieth century overlooking the small town and its main street with arcades where there are small shops offering local handicrafts. In the 70s Mirleft was very popular with hippies. Souk Day: Monday

Mesti: Important village between Sidi Ifni and Guelmim and known in Morocco for its products based on the fig of barbarie whose most important cooperative is "Tafyoucht" Day of Souk: Wednesday

Sidi Ifni: The picturesque town, located at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean 160km south of Agadir, was a Spanish colony. Even today the day before the city keeps some Spanish remains more or less preserved and some streets still bear Spanish names. The film An Angel at Sea by Frédéric Dumont was shot in Sidi Ifni. Souk Day: Sunday  Mirleft: The small village 130 km Agadir

Sidi Ifni: The picturesque town, located at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean 160km south of Agadir, was a Spanish colony. Even today the day before the city keeps some Spanish remains more or less preserved and some streets still bear Spanish names. The film An Angel at Sea by Frédéric Dumont was shot in Sidi Ifni. Souk Day: Sunday  Mirleft: The small village 130 km Agadir