Itravel In Morocco

Morocco, the best tourist destination in Africa


The year 2018 was, again, very good for the tourism sector in Morocco. Have been published good figures that satisfy the Minister of Tourism, Mohammed Sajid. He participated this week in the Board of Directors of the Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT). This institution presented all the achievements of the year 2018.

The figures are edifying, as for the performances achieved by the Kingdom, to stay at the place of first destination, on the African continent. Indeed, "the year 2018 had recorded an increase of 8%, compared to 2017, with 12.3 million arrivals," reports Infomédiaire website.

Added to this are the achievements at the end of April 2019, which confirm the upward trend for Destination Morocco, with 3.6 million arrivals at border crossings and 7.9 million overnight stays representing growth of + 6% compared to 2018 ". Even domestic tourism has improved, releasing more than 6% of overnight stays, says the information website.

Continuing its report of the work of the Board of Directors of the ONMT, the media informs that in 2018, the Office was able to set up half a million additional airsites, operated to Morocco. It is not to be forgotten that the summer season of 2019 recorded, for its part, nearly 25% increase in air capacity, thanks to the 40 new air routes, set up by the ONMT, between the main issuing markets and the different regions of the Kingdom.

An international communication campaign, a new digital approach, the deployment of the brand on social media and the acquisition of customer relationship management tools, are, among other things, validated projects at the last Board of Directors meeting. . These are objectives that the ONMT is working on this year, to always make Morocco a destination preferred by all.
